We are delighted to have you participate in the 6th Endoscopic Skull Base Dissection Course. Again we have the pleasure of an outstanding, international faculty, to teach, guide and amaze us.
Lectures will cover both the basis as well as the latest developments of endoscopic skull base surgery.
Three afternoons of cadaveric dissections provide an excellent opportunity for you to get hands-on experience and update your knowledge of skull base anatomy.
Each station is equipped with high quality endoscopes, tools, neuronavigation, high speeds drills and suction systems to copy the real operation room setting.
Key for a successful course is interaction between us all. We really try to create an environment that promotes this. Please, don’t hesitate to ask any questions at any moment.
We fully expect this year will again be a great course, where both faculty and participants learn more and more about skull base surgery, fortify our professional relationships , and enjoy our stay in Leiden.
Course directors: Wouter van Furth (neurosurgery) and Christos Georgalas (ENT)
Course coordinator 2020: Amir Zamanipoor Najafabadi
Course’s Highlights:
- Participants overall assessment of course’s content (2018): 9.4/10
- True multidisciplinary – Team approach
- Personalised dissection tailored to the participants’ goals
- Short lectures / interactive round table discussions
- 1 : 3 faculty to participant ratio
- Fresh Frozen Cadaveric dissection with neuro-navigation and high speed endoscopic drills